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Breast Augmentation

If you are unhappy or disatisfied with the size of your breasts, breast augmentation can be a life changer. The most important thing is to first, find a doctor/surgeon you can trust. It is very important to check credentials, experience, board certification in the procedure you are interested in and a doctor who operates only in an accredited medical facility.

Q. What exactly is breast augmentation?

A. The procedure involves using implants to create fuller breasts or to restore size lost after weight reduction, pregnancy or reconstruction after mastectomy. It will not correct drooping breasts. That is a separate procedure called a breast lift.

Q. What happens at the consultation?

A. Be prepared to be totally candid about why you want the surgery and what you expect, any medical conditions and or allergies you might have, alcohol, tobacco and drug use, and family history of breast cancer as well as the results of any mammograms or biopsies.

Q. What happens during the surgery?

A. First, you will be given the type of anesthesia deemed appropriate by you and your doctor. Then he or she will make an incision (under the breast, in the armpit area or in the nipple area). The incision decision will be based on the kind of implant, your body type and your preference. The implant will be inserted under the pectoral muscle or behind the breast tissue depending on your particular anatomy. The incisions will be closed with sutures in the breast tissue and surgical tape to close the skin. The incision lines will fade over time.

Q. What kind of implant is safest?

A.As of now, Saline implants are FDA-approved for augmentation in women 18 years of age and older. Silicone implants are FDA-approved for augmentation in women 22 years of age and older. Visit www.breastimplantsafety.org for more information.


Breast Reduction

This procedure is good for patients who are seeking relief from pain or difficulty getting clothes to fit properly because of excessively large breasts. Insurance is sometimes available for this treatment depending on your insurer's requirements.

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