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SmartLipo and ProLipo

SmartLipo and ProLipo use lasers to liquefy fat cells and are much less invasive than the traditional Liposuction procedure. An added benefit is that the laser also tightens skin so you are not left with the sagging that Liposuction alone can cause. SmartLipo has been widely used for several years in Europe, Canada, the UK, Australia, Japan and other countries prior to being approved for use in the US. ProLipo is the latest advancement and is more powerful.

The Smartlipo is a laser system designed for laser body sculpting and for the disruption of fat cells. It is ideal for treating localized deposits of unwanted fat, fat tissue irregularities and for coagulating tissue leading to a tightening effect. Smartlipo is ideal for treating small areas of the face, neck, arms, male breasts (gynecomastia), and other areas of loose or lax skin (flabby skin). It may be combined with modern liposculpture to treat larger areas such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks, etc. At Advancded Dermatology Pocono Medical Care, Dr. Buckley performs all laser-lipo and liposculpture procedures entirely using local tumescent anesthesia with the patiet awake and comfortable.

Q. How does the Smartlipo work?

A.Smartlipo laser-lipolysis is a minimally invasive procedure. which permanently treats fat cells through thermal and photodisruptive actions. These actions heat and collapse the fat cell membranes resulting in shrinkage of the treated area. Due to hemostatic properties of the laser, small vessels in the treatment area are coagulated, resulting in less bleeding, bruising, trauma and a quicker recovery time. The additional benefit of tissue tightening through thermal heating and tissue coagulation may also be seen.

Q. What are the benefits of Smartlipo?

A.• Treats unwanted fat and fat tissue irregularities
• Promotes tissue coagulation resulting in skin tissue tightening
• Treats flabby or lax skin and areas of high vascularity
• May also improve cellulite
• Minimal edema (swelling) and bleeding due to the laser’s hemostatic properties
• Minimal if any bruising
• Faster healing time than traditional liposuction

Q. Does laser-assisted lipolysis produce lasting results?

A.Yes! The Smartlipo procedure permanently destroys the treated fat cells. Adults do not create new fat cells. When a person gains weight, that person’s fat cells simply expand. Should you gain weight, that fat will most likely be deposited in areas where the procedure was not performed.

Q. Who is a good candidate for the procedure?

A.Ideal candidates are in good health, close to normal body weight and have realistic expectations for the results. If the person has areas of fat that will not respond to diet and exercise, then that person is a candidate for laser-assisted lipolysis.

Q. How many treatments are required?

A.Most patients typically need only one treatment. The session may last from 45 minutes for a small area and longer for larger areas or when multiple areas are treated during one session. Laserlipolysis is also an ideal choice for “touch ups” to improve previous traditional liposuction procedures.

Liposculpture, Liposuction, Laser Lipo (LAL)

You can lose as much as one gallon of fat with each liposculpture session, a procedure that removes and sculpts fat while you are awake.

Q. How does the liposculpture procedure work?

A.Liposculpture is a minimally invasive procedure using only local anesthesia (tumescent) and very small cannulas (tubes) gently inserted under the skin. The cannula is moved to and fro and suctions out unwanted fat cells. This can be combined with a laser in order to tighten the skin. Micro liposculpture is a minimally invasive procedure and is performed entirely under local anesthesia. Because general anesthesia is unnecessary, the procedure is very safe. All procedures at Advanced Dermatology Pocono Medical Care are performed in our on-site office based procedure rooms.

Q. Who is a good candidate for liposculpture (liposuction)?

A.If you have areas of fat that will not respond to diet and exercise, then you’re a candidate for liposuction and Laserlypolysis. Ideal candidates are in good health, of normal body weight and have realistic expectations for the results.

Q. What body regions can be treated with Liposculpture?

A.Liposculpture can be used to treat a wide range of areas including: face, chin, neck, breasts, chest, back, abdomen, love handles, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees and more.

Q. How many treatments will I need?

A.Multiple areas can be treated in a session. If many areas are being treated, it may be adviseable to split the treatments up over more than one day. The treatment session may last from two to six hours depending on how many areas are treated.

Q. What do I have to do after the treatment?

A.After the treatment you will need to wear a compression garment for several days to several weeks, depending on the body area being treated. Rest is recommended after the procedure and activity may be resumed gradually. Refrain from hot tubs or strenuous exercise for 2 weeks.

Q. Does Liposuction treat cellulite?

A.The procedure may improve the body’s shape and may improve cellulite to a certain degree, especially if combined with laserlipolysis such as our ProLipo or SmartLipo treatments..

Q. Can I expect to see results?

A.Results can be seen as soon as a week with continued improvement over 6 - 12 months.

Q. Does laser liposuction result in a PERMANENT decrease in the number of fat cells in the area treated?

A.Yes! Adults do not create new fat cells. When a person gains weight, the fat cells expand. The Liposculpture procedure permanently removes the fat cells. Should you gain weight, most fat will be deposited in areas where the procedure was not performed.


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