When should
you be concerned about a “freckle” or pigmented spot or mole?
See a physician experienced in diagnosing skin cancer if any of
the following apply to you:
1. There has been a change in the feel or appearance of any growth
or spot
2. You have a mole or spot that is dark or contains multiple colors
3. You have a mole that fails on any of the A thru D criteria
4. You have a new mole, one that was not there before.
Touch, pain, itching:
Often when something has gone wrong with the skin, there is some
change that you can notice. An area may feel rough or scaly. You
may notice redness or some other color change. A mole may change
color, size, shape or all of the foregoing.
You might be tempted to think that because the mole or area doesn’t
look so bad, it must be okay. Big mistake. Do not attempt a self-diagnosis.
If there is any symptom, please have it checked out as soon as